Often times, when receiving acupuncture, many acupuncturists will include both hands in the full body treatment. Depending on what you are getting acupuncture to accomplish, hand acupuncture can be very helpful. Hand acupuncture can be done on either the top or palm of the hand.
The top of the hand is mainly used to treat cold or flu symptoms such as a sore throat, dizziness, headache, and fatigue. Top of the hand acupuncture can also be very helpful in treating carpel tunnel syndrome by opening the meridian on the inside of your wrist, increasing blood flow, and reducing pressure from your thumb to your elbow. The full list of top hand acupuncture points is shown below.
The more common hand acupuncture points are found on the palm. The palm of your hand can be used to treat infertility, sinusitis, stomach ailments, and digestion issues. However, the palm of your hand can be very sensitive since we use our hands for everything in our daily lives. It can also be callused, which might make it more difficult for the needles to do their job. In turn, palm acupuncture can be painful and, in most cases, should only be done for up to 10 minutes, which is much shorter than normal acupuncture that takes 30 minutes.
Below is a chart of the acupuncture points on your palm that can help increase blood flow to the corresponding organ.
For more questions about hand acupuncture and if it is right for you and your treatment plan, please inquire with one of our acupuncturists today. Click the “Book Online” button above or call (561) 528-2021 to book an appointment.