Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to relieve health conditions. We use very thin needles on specific points on the body along fascial and nerve pathways to tap into your body’s own innate healing intelligence.
Chinese Medicine is based on clear and open communication in the body. When tension patterns develop in the body we get pain, discomfort, and disease because things are not moving as they should and there is an interruption in the healing processes in the body. We can relax these tension patterns and tap into the healing mechanisms you were born with.
Group Acupuncture
Non Invasive
There are up to 15 different neurochemicals, amino acids, cellular enzymes, and red and white blood cells that are released at the insertion site.
Generally, you don’t feel any of the needles upon insertion.
Whenever an acupuncture needle is inserted it stimulates neurological reflexes that begin to downregulate inflammation.
Acupuncture works on three levels – physical, mental and emotional – either in isolation or in combination. Chinese Medicine is based on clear and open communication in the body. When tension patterns develop in the body we get pain, discomfort, and disease because things are not moving as they should and there is an interruption in the healing processes in the body. We can relax these tension patterns and tap into the healing mechanisms you were born with.
There are roughly 400 points on the body that are able to modulate different processes in the body. The most common points are from the knee and elbow down. However, it is not uncommon to use points on the abdomen or back depending on what we are treating.
Where there is movement, there is no pain. Where there is no movement there is pain.