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    You are warmth, passion, joy and excitement embodied.

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    Your gift to the world is your empathetic heart.

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    You are righteous and brave. You are sharp as a tack intellectually and you possess a lot of self-discipline.

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    Your super power comes from your capacity to conceive, consolidate, conserve and concentrate.

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    You are a challenge seeker. You love action, movement and adventure. You enjoy and thrive under pressure.

Are you a Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood?

Find out which of the Five Elements best describes you!

Click on the link below to take the Archetype Self-Assessment Profile Quiz

Take Elements Quiz!


You are warmth, passion, joy and excitement embodied. You are charming and magnetic. You seek pleasure and intimacy. You love excitement and stimulation. You are intuitive and empathetic. You thrive with connection and dislike being alone. Your excitement often presents as giggliness and talkativeness.

Fires can flare up and go out very quickly. So, when you are not up, you will likely experience the down. It’s important to remember that separation is just as important as connection to recharge. If you find yourself Overstimulated and having trouble focusing it’s important to find ways to ground and wind down.

  • Drink lots of liquids
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, chili and salt
  • Time and space for solitude
  • Engage in regular routines
  • Plan ahead
  • Cooling foods (juicy fruits and veggies, sea vegetables, cilantro, mint, avocado) but no iced drinks
  • Minimal of extremes (cold and hot)
  • Step away to scream, cry or stomp and the calm will follow by allowing the frenetic energy to move through
  • Encourage them to take time to be alone
  • Encourage them to write in a journal or meditate
  • Help them plan ahead and prioritize what’s important
  • Encourage them to eat regularly (small means are better)


Your gift to the world is your empathetic heart. You are pulled at your core to take care of others. You are a peace seeker. You will give up everything to make sure people are happy and peace resides in their hearts. When Earths aren’t devoting time to help others the world doesn’t feel right. Taking care of yourself always comes second.

Your selfless heart and outwardly directed energy can lead you to burn out so self-care is extremely important.

  • Self-Care. You are most at home when taking care of others, but its important to fill your cup
  • Crafting or cooking
  • Find a way to separate from the feeling like they have to help and heal everyone on Earth
  • Fina a fire friend. They both love people, but fires aren’t attached so they can pull them away from the smothering
  • Help them to find ways to redirect their thoughts and not worry
  • Encourage them to spend time with friends
  • Help them focus on what is needed now and not what might happen if there is change
  • Help them see timelines (gentle alarms)
  • Remind them to Self-Care
  • Help them find opportunities in change


You are righteous and brave. You are sharp as a tack intellectually and you possess a lot of self-discipline. You are very organized and highly methodical. You tend toward perfectionism and have the ability to quickly see how something can be improved upon. You are also a natural problem solver.

You tend to prefer solitude or small intimate groups. You’re gifted at letting go what is no longer needed and this can lead to quick detachment of relationships when out of balance.

  • Find ways to connect to a higher power
  • Stay connected to people
  • Find a way to experience laughter (movies, YouTube, people watching)
  • Try not to walk away before you’ve understood what they’ve said
  • Try not to underestimate a person’s feeling and how they are connected to you
  • Hold them in high esteem
  • Encourage them to breathe
  • Encourage companionship
  • Encourage laughter
  • Encourage spontaneity


You are the archetype of the philosopher. Your super power comes from your capacity to conceive, consolidate, conserve and concentrate. You bring to light that which is hidden underneath.

You are articulate and clever. You are critical and scrutinizing. You are always seeking knowledge and understanding. You prefer to be anonymous and enigmatic. Your ability to see all of the layers of risk can lead you to be overcome with fear. When this happens, you will be best served to seek.

  • The connectedness of Earth (visit with a friend)
  • The warmth and expansiveness of Fire (do something that brings you joy)
  • The call to action of Wood (do a small task that you can accomplish)
  • The structure of Metal (create a check list)
  • Help them identify the steps they need to take
  • Help them identify and address their fears
  • Help them breakdown the process
  • Heltp them to see that the situation/task is not as daunting as they believe or feel it is
  • Show them patience and compassion. They struggle with linear time.


You are driven by adventure. Your super power comes from your capacity to expand out into the world. You are a challenge seeker. You love action, movement and adventure. You enjoy and thrive under pressure. Being the first, best and/or only speaks to your soul.

Due to the constant expansive energy coursing through you at all times it’s important for you to pay attention to and modulate your intensity. Staying flexible in life and physically is important for you.

  • Find Balance with adequate leisure
  • Learn to embrace felling a source of energy without the need to expend it immediately
  • Bring something to do in a situation where patience and waiting will be required
  • Remember that others are not like you; practice compassion for others in their element
  • Try using “I” language instead of “You” (i.e. “I feel angry” not “You made me feel angry”)
  • Don’t tell them what to do; Suggest
  • Encourage them to breathe (Breath in for a count of 4, hold for 2, breath out for a count of 8)
  • Encourage them to get up and walk away and/or move so the energy has somewhere to go
  • Woods tend toward stiffness so encourage them to move and stretch
  • Praise them; The more you do, the harder they will work