Five Points of Ear Acupuncture
You’ve probably heard of traditional acupuncture, which uses small needles to stimulate points throughout your body, including your ears.
But there’s another type of acupuncture that focuses exclusively on your ears. It’s called auricular acupuncture. This is a type of auriculotherapy, which describes any acupressure or acupuncture treatment that’s limited to your ears.
There are five points of auricular acupuncture that are important gateways to level your qi.
The five points are:
(1) The Autonomic Point which calms the nervous system and helps with overall relaxation
(2) The Shen Men or “spirit gate,” which reduces anxiety and nervousness
(3) The Kidney Point, for calming fears and healing internal organs
(4) The Liver Point for detoxification, blood purification, and to quell aggression
(5) The Lung Point, which promotes aeration and helps clients let go of grief.